Growth in Technology

When I read few articles like this I get a thought had I been in 1996 a technology enthusiast, and if I try to predict how is it going to be in next 15 years of internet, I wonder if I would have really predicted it right.  Everything written above is just about thinking and wondering as it is past. So I would come to reality and predict now about technology space for next 15 years.

Few rules, Growth is exponential growth in technology in last 15 years if divided in pieces has grown exponential rather than linear meaning that last set of 5 years has seen enormous growth than 2nd set of 5 years and so on. New transformations  Email -> Social Networking -> Sharing -> blogging -> Microblogging 

New business opportunities are always solutions to problems around us. Ex: Redbus. Other way of new business opportunities is to create a new and non-existent dimension to existing solutions  Ex: Facebook. Third form is creating a new space altogether. I am confused if third is always in some form same as the second.

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